For Investors
- For Investors
- Management Principles & Code of Conduct
Management Principles
Always work toward the creation of customers and repaying their trust.
Contribute to society through business.
Always recognize the nature of management and challenge the future.
Code of Conduct
We and our Group are determined to promote management which fulfills corporate social responsibilities and to enhance corporate value by conducting ethical corporate activities fairly and in good faith, in order to give a concrete form to the above three management principles. This Code defines the basic action guidelines for executives and regular employees in the Meisei Group to implement compliance by pursuing profit through fair competition while complying with all laws, rules and their spirit and acting with social common sense.
Legal Compliance
We shall conduct corporate activities not against social norms fairly and in good faith as well as fair and free competition by complying with related laws and regulations and company regulations.
Respect for Human Rights
We shall respect the basic human rights of every person as well as the character and individuality of each person. We do not accept any discriminatory treatment or harassment.
Information Disclosure
We shall communicate with society and disclose corporate information appropriately whenever necessary as a trusted company.
Work Environment
We shall work toward the realization of a work environment in which challenge aspirations can be maximized by making use of ingenuity and creativity and maintaining a safe and sound environment.
Contribution to Society
We shall establish a good relationship with a wide range of stakeholders in the community and contribute to society through out business activities.
Relationship with Politics and Government
We shall maintain a healthy, normal and transparent relationship with politics and the government.
Relationship with Antisocial Forces and Groups
We shall take a firm stand against antisocial forces and groups which pose a threat to social order or sound corporate activities and never provide economic benefits.
Information Management
We shall follow "Information Security Policies" so as not to compromise the privacy of any individual. We shall manage personal information and our own confidential information properly and not use it for any purposes other than those required in business.