
Human capital

In order to continuously grow and strengthen our competitiveness in a rapidly changing business environment, the MEISEI Group believes that we must enhance the capabilities of each and every employee, and always continue to take on new challenges. We will aim to develop human resources who embody the three management principles of the MEISEI Group: “create customers and secure their trust,” “contribute to society,” and “challenge toward the future.”

Human resource development

In the MEISEI Group, we intend to focus on the development of specialist human resources in our construction and engineering departments, as well as management human resources, who will be capable of securing continuous trust from our customers and society. In order to achieve the slogan of our medium-term management plan, “challenging a new stage,” we will promote the creation of a system for training that facilitates the unbiased acquisition of advanced expertise related to construction and engineering, as well as knowledge and skills related to business and management, among each and every one of our employees, while also supporting their continuous growth as people.
In terms of human resource development initiatives, we not only provide regular opportunities for learning expert knowledge related to construction and engineering tailored to the experiences of employees and centered on OJT, but we also encourage participation in training and seminars for the acquisition of qualifications, etc. In the future, we will introduce e-learning and various other methods to provide opportunities for acquiring business skills, as well as knowledge in areas such as human rights and compliance.

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Diversity & inclusion

It is important for the creation of our businesses that we create an environment where diverse human resources can play an active role according to their individuality and abilities, such as nationality, gender, and presence or absence of disabilities. To enable employees to continue to work with peace of mind during various life stages, the MEISEI Group has introduced systems aimed at supporting a balance of work and childcare, such as a system of shortened working hours for childcare purposes, under rules related to childcare and nursing care leave, etc. In addition, owing to a continuing situation where the proportion of women is low among new graduate hires, the proportion of female workers in management roles is low. The take-up rate of childcare leave among male workers is also low. In terms of specific metrics and targets for the Company, we have set a target of 10% for the childcare leave take-up rate among male workers by March 2024 (5.0% actual rate in the fiscal year ended March 2023), and 20% for the proportion of female workers among hired workers by March 2024 (none actually employed in the fiscal year ended March 2023). We do not publish policies on human resource development and the creation of an internal environment to ensure diversity, but we will continue to consider publishing such policies in the future.

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Workstyle reform and employee health promotion

In anticipation of the application of rules concerning limits on overtime hours in fiscal 2024, we are promoting reform to new efficient workstyles without harming the quality of work, including the formation of a “Committee for the Promotion of Shortened Working Hours” consisting of workers and management, and sharing of the status of initiatives at business sites. In addition, we will continuously invest in renewing aging sales sites, as part of our target to improve the workplace environment.
The MEISEI Group considers the health of our employees to be an important management resource. We conduct regular health checkups and recommend that employees also take corresponding secondary examinations and treatment. In the future, we will continue engaging in activities to promote the health of our employees, while also holding regular meetings of the Health and Safety Committee under the direction of an occupational physician, to investigate and deliberate matters, and share information. We will further develop systems for deploying the results from these initiatives to each sales site.

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Initiatives to ensure safety and quality

Ensuring safety is our highest priority. The MEISEI Group considers it to be of the utmost priority for the execution of our business operations that we ensure the quality that our customers demand, similarly to personal safety. Various initiatives are necessary to ensure these levels of safety and quality. Specific examples of measures include: creating internal rules, considering risk in construction plans, operational methods and procedures, danger forecasting activities, education and training, activities to prevent occupational accidents, and verification of quality defects.
In order to ensure safety and quality, the MEISEI Group recognizes that it is important that we engage in initiatives where organizations, mechanisms, and individuals all work together, and that none of these elements can be missing, and we are endeavoring to enhance the level of awareness in this regard.
With regard to education and training, in order to enhance individual awareness of safety and quality and facilitate the correct basic behavior on a day-to-day basis, we conduct regular level-based health and safety education and quality management education suited to employees’ experiences and level. We also work to share information by making educational materials available on a company-wide basis through our internal intranet.

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